There has been a lull in the activity around the Curtis Dojo. One of us has been sick pretty much the entire month of March. This weekend we got to spend some quality time together. Now that Riley is feeling better she has decided that she can roll over whenever she wants to. We are still working on her skills as an actress, as you will see from this high quality production. I am the director, she just needs to deal with that. But she has this attitude and doesn't do what I say when I say it. She just needs to learn her place! Like all women do. :)
Next week, I train her to make me breakfast.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Monday, March 23, 2009
never a dull moment
Well, March has been an eventful month in the Curtis Dojo. To start out, one of us has been sick for what seems now like FOREVER!! Currently, Riley is sick with what Jason and I have recently had. She's been a trouper and seems to be feeling a little better.
For St. Patrick's Day, the two huskies decided to run away. They were gone for two whole days before someone called us to say they had them. That's the longest they've ever been away, and we thought they were gone for sure. Raimo, the lab, was ecstatic when they returned. Riku and Raimo bonded soon after, although, they have been back to their battle for male domination ever since.
While the puppies were gone, Jason kept himself occupied by doing some work around the house. He put together Riley's high chair. She's sitting up with support, so we put her in there. She seems to like it for a little while.
Jason also decided to try giving Riley some rice cereal. To her defence, she wasn't feeling that great, so we'll try again later. But for now, here is Riley first official bite of food.
For St. Patrick's Day, the two huskies decided to run away. They were gone for two whole days before someone called us to say they had them. That's the longest they've ever been away, and we thought they were gone for sure. Raimo, the lab, was ecstatic when they returned. Riku and Raimo bonded soon after, although, they have been back to their battle for male domination ever since.
While the puppies were gone, Jason kept himself occupied by doing some work around the house. He put together Riley's high chair. She's sitting up with support, so we put her in there. She seems to like it for a little while.
Jason also decided to try giving Riley some rice cereal. To her defence, she wasn't feeling that great, so we'll try again later. But for now, here is Riley first official bite of food.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Happy St. Patrick's Day
My Meemaw and Papa came to visit last weekend. It was a short visit, but I got in some quality time. I think they knew my mommy and daddy were also there, but I'm not sure.

I have also gotten two teeth. Today I was feeling cooperative and let Mommy take some pictures.

Since Mommy doesn't really have any green, my daddy and I dressed up for St. Patrick's Day.
I have also gotten two teeth. Today I was feeling cooperative and let Mommy take some pictures.
Since Mommy doesn't really have any green, my daddy and I dressed up for St. Patrick's Day.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Chatter Box, well, close enough.
Riley can be a little chatter box from time to time, clealy she gets this from her mother. The chatter can range from coo'ing to babbling to the grunt. Today we will featue the grunt portion of the chatterbox arsenal. Here's a little bit of talkin from the baby bear.
May need to adjust your volume up on this one.
May need to adjust your volume up on this one.
Peek - a - boo
Riley is begining to enjoy a good natured game of peek - a - boo. For the 1st couple days she would just give me a crazy look, a couple of times it scared her, sometimes she laughs and giggles, today we just got some quality smiles.
The F-4 and the tooth
Today we had Riley's 4 month Dr. checkup today. So she was measured and temperatured and weighed and poked and prodded, you know the drill. So the Fussy britches was not in the best of moods. So after the apointment we came home for some quality daddy/baby time. Although when lunch didn't heat up fast enough the fussy britches quickly excalated to a Fussy Britchumousaurus-Rex. Being the good father that I am I took a moment to try and take a picture of her tooth. We may have reached a new level, F-5, after the pictures!!!
There was a lot of fuss going around so this was the best I could do. The white spot on the right hand side of her lower gum line is the tooth.
There was a lot of fuss going around so this was the best I could do. The white spot on the right hand side of her lower gum line is the tooth.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Just because I'm cute
Last Saturday we discovered that Riley has a tooth. We'll get some pictures soon. We can really only see it when she's crying, so we'll wait.
Here are some pictures we took recently:

Today is Aunt Michelle's birthday. Riley wanted to pose for a picture, but wasn't interested in smiling. The birthday ribbon was too exciting.

Birthday picture outtakes:

Here are some pictures we took recently:
Today is Aunt Michelle's birthday. Riley wanted to pose for a picture, but wasn't interested in smiling. The birthday ribbon was too exciting.
Birthday picture outtakes:
Thursday, March 5, 2009
The Rings
Riley has started putting everything in her mouth. She is chewing and drooling like crazy. We put her in the Boppy thinking she would just hit or grab her rings. Riley took a nose-dive right in and started chomping away.
You can see by the sides that she has her hands on the rings and is pulling them down to get a better bite.
Riley's face, outfit, and the Boppy were soaked.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Life with Huskies part 1
Husky's are very vocal dogs. If you talk to them a lot they will talk back. Riku is the leader so you have to get him talking 1st.
Life with Huskies part 2
Once Riku gets going a full blown howling riot is born. If you'll notice in the back even Raimo, who is of course not a husky, get's into the action.
New Functions on the Curtis Dojo
Hello friends and family. From time to time we get calls asking for more of this or more of that. To make this easier, we've added some reactions buttons to the bottom of the each post. Now you can quickly check the box so we know what you like. Of course you may still leave a comment as well.
Me playing with the puppies
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