Step 1 in any process like this is always to gather the materials.
1 - Babus (check)
1 - Birthday Sign (check)
1 - Camera (check)
52 - Patience (ummmmm)

Step 2 - Place the Babus on the couch, hand her the sign.

Step 3 - Ask her to smile and take the pict...err..ummm... Watch her show off her newest rollover and get the heck out of dodge technique.

Step 4 - Prop her back up, ask her to smile and take the her turn the paper to see what it says.

Step 5 - Now this is important. Don't give the camera to the babus!

Step 6 - If you ignore step 5. Get the camera back from the babus. Go get her because she's probably rolled over again, reposition the paper and take the pict..........oh come on child!!!!

Step 7 - Relax, take a deep breath, start from step 1 again and move quickly!
My kingdom for an intelligent octopus!