Just an average weekend at the Curtis Dojo. Where else can you see all this excitement? You wont find a Monkey playing with a Babus at just any zoo, but come to the Dojo and you'll see all you want!
"I have a yummy chew thingy!"
"Hi big sis, this is my yummy chew thingy."
"Hey! My yummy chew thingy is on the floor."
"Why did you pick up my yummy chew thingy?"
As usual you could find my daddy out in the yard gardening and admiring his hi-biscuits. (Hybiscus to the lay person)

Currently both hi-biscuits have been blooming only 2-3 at a time but the white one (Sharlene) has bloomed like crazy this weekend. The purple one (Marlene) is still only bloming 2-3, they are both young and we cannot wait for them to grow to their full 5-6 feet.

"Hi, I like basketball, I'm what you might call a Hoosier fan."
"Oops, I dropped my ball, hold on."

"Hang on, I gotta go get it."

"Darn ball, come here!"

"Gotcha!!!!!! To the victory go the spoils."
Here's McKenna (in fact NOT a TEENAGER) playing with Riley. We're not exactly sure where she picked up all this goofy behavior?????