The monkey grass has always done a fine job of lining the driveway, we added the border to prevent that washout every time it rains, it will also keep the rocks in.
Side veiw, we have named that small plant in the middle 'Gus'. He's small now but some day he will grown to fill that middle area pretty good. He can be 4-6 feet n diameter when he is mature.
Front view, the rain barrel back their has provided water to all the plants during this little heat wave we've had, 12 straight days of 90+ weather! Way to hot!
5000 pounds of rock never looked so beautiful! 4 truck loads over 3 weekends. Jason was quoted as saying "hmmmmm, 5000 pounds of rock eh??? Well Sir, didn't like it."
If you are playing the Curtis Dojo home edition and you know where that quote comes from give yourself 50 bonus points and a new set of sparring gloves.
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