1st we check out the wings, give them a good tug and make sure they are nice and flexible. This is very important.
The propeller is also a must check item, I've seen too many good pilots go down because of careless propeller checking.
All was normal, the flight was going great. There as a terrible storm brewing over the back yard pool and deck area.... I mean the Pacific Ocean is a treacherous part of any journey. The lightning was all around me.
I could barely control the plane. Then, my enging went out and I had no choice but to bail out! My plane went down into the pool area of the back deck, 30 feet of open water and I ain't lying, that place is scary.
The plane did a nose dive right into the middle of the po...I mean ocean!
It flipped over on it's back.
And then back over onto it's belly, it is a miracle I was able to bailout and parachute to safety, but the peril was not over!
The po..I mean ocean is known for having scary sea creatures! I had to keep my eyes peeled for lurking creatures.
These creatures move through the water with the grace of a manitee.
I managed to swim to a deserted island. This was a strange and foriegn land.
I crawled for what seemed like an eternity!
I climbed to the top of the coffee ta...I mean mountain. I climbed all the way to the top.
I looked far and long. This way...
And that way. Nothing, as far as the eye could see.
It seemed like it had been an eternity since my last nap! I had to act quick. My only friend on the island, Wilson, was with me 100%. Wilson and I loved to eat meals together.
We would build a raft. It would take my daddy...I mean a looong time to get the raft inflat...I mean built. Wilson and I worked for months on building a solid raft.
It was a good raft and it would have to work, this was a life or death situation.
I looked down to tell Wilson it would all be alright. Wait...where's WILSON?????
He justed drifted farther and farther away. :(
Exhausted from my search I decided to take a nap. I feared the worse.
Then I was rescued!
Now I am home safe back t the day to day grind. But every time I take a bath I can help but think about my good pal Wilson......
Oh Wilson, why'd you have to leave me. My mommy tries to console me but my heart is broken and my friend is gone...forever...
Too cute!
Methinks you have far too much free time.
Precious!! When can I see that Riley!! I haven't in forever and she's getting so big!!
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