1 - Riley is officially a season ticket holder of Vanderbilt Football. We thought we wouldn't have to get her a ticket until she was 2 years old but apparently the SEC has changed their rules so everyone, regardless of age, is required to have a ticket. Since this happened in the off season The Commodores have comp'd Riley's 1st year. So not only is she a season ticket holder, she is great at finding good deals.
2 - Riley, seen below, absoltutely loves to rough house on the couch. She bounces around and loves to fling herself off the couch so that I can catch her. I think some day she will be the 1st woman to complete level 1 on ninja warrior.
3 - Riley is almost walking. With her walker toy she is a maniac, back and forth across the living room with lightening speed. Without the walker she is still pretty unstable and she's averaging about 3 steps per attempt walking between mommy and daddy. We'll sit about 5 feet from each other and let her hol 1 finger, when she seems distracted we let go and see what she can do. She does fine until she realizes we are no longer holding on. The she falls.
4 - Her absolute goal in life is to get the remote control. Dispite the number of times we say 'no' to her. And, when we do say no the neighbors probably think we are using some kind of torture device on her as she screams bloody murder. (gets that from her mom)
5 - Riley is now giving kisses. If you say 'kiss' she eans in with her mouth as wide as can be. She also seems to give unprompted kisses that coincide with her mouth being full of baby food.
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