Having Christmas without McKenna is always tough. She is definitely the MVP of the Dojo. We did receive her school pictures in time for Christmas and she is getting more and more beautiful by the minute. (and you guys wonder why I train to beat people up?)

Jason's Christmas holiday started a day early as Riley came down with the crud on Wednesday afternoon. I worked from home that day, since I had my laptop out, Riley decided she'd get some work done too.

Sneezing and working, that is what her day consisted of. Weelllll, there were a couple naps in there also.

Nashville is certainly not known for snow on Christmas, but this year we got some! Here are some pics from around the house. Not the several inches those of us who have lived in Oregon, Indiana, Ohio, Colorado or Oklahoma are used to, but we'll take it.

News of the Oregon Ducks making the Natty meant just one thing in the Curtis Dojo this year. Nobody had to stretch to think of what to get Jason for Christmas! It was darn near a 100% sweep of Ducks stuff this year. GO DUCKS!!!
I had already received a sweatshirt and a t-shirt featuring the back to back Pac 10 Champions The Mighty Fighting Oregon Ducks, but what would be in store for me today????

Not pictured, the one I'm wearing right now which reads "I LOVE MY DUCKS".
Krista liked her gifts, I hope. :) I went 100% off script and on my own. She had asked for bags of cash and slippers. I went with a coffee grinder and some much needed kitchen essentials. She also got a nice big gift certificate to a spa in the area. I have no idea what goes on in those places but I'm sure she'll be happy. My mother decided to give Krista exactly what she wanted, every box that was sent had cash in it, a pretty good haul!

But, I fear none of you came here to see what I got. Or even what Krista got. So let's turn our attention to the star of the Dojo, Riley.
Riley's love for "the wheels on the bus" is greatly known. We just couldn't resist a bus that sings wheels on the bus. They don't know the verse about the Ducks on the bus say we're #1, we're #1, we're #1???? What kind of bus is this?

A Ducks bear, it says "Go Ducks" and it also plays a little of the Ducks Marching band.

Riley got a couple of puzzles, one from Big sister McKenna and one from her Momma.

Last but not least Riley got a new baby to take care of. She loves her baby.

And last but not least here is a nice video of Riley playing with her baby!