Sunday, December 26, 2010

Riku, the best dog.

It has been a very rough Christmas for me. I spent the night of Christmas Eve up with Riku after what appears to be a stroke. His breathing was pretty crazy and he was wondering around looking like he was going to pass out. Not much sleep. After we did the Christmas morning thing I took Riku into the emergency vet. Not much they could see or do, blood work and all tests seemed normal, other than the breathing. They gave him a "cosmic cocktail" (puppy narcotic) to try and settle him down but that didn't work, by the time we got him home he was wide eyed and possible halucinating. I took some pictures that would be very funny had he made a turn for the better, but now they do not seem funny anymore. He passed away on Christmas day, he went outside and didn't come back. I found him in the snow. Today I buried him and said goodbye.

Riku has been with me through a TON of things. He came with me from Wyoming and what was probably the most difficult decision of my life, moving away from McKenna. He was with me through the easiest decision, marrying Krista.

He loved to swim. It was funny at different times to have a neighbor come and say " you know your dog goes swimming when you are not home?"

He loved to talk when he was younger, I remember my neighbor in Spring Hill say that when she would garden in the early morning he would come to the fence and chat with her. If you are not familiar with Husky chat, it can be entertaining.

Riku will be missed a great deal.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Possibly the hardest thing I have ever read on your blog. I'm so sorry Riku will not be there the next time we show up. Dad