Monday, January 31, 2011

A proud day indeed

Today started off just like any other day, nice weather, pretty dark out when we leave for work. We dropped off the babus and headed on down the road. Work was normal, uneventful. Came home, stopped at the store for some milk and bread. Got home, made some tomato soup while Riley and Krista shared a grilled cheese sammich. (as Riley calls them) Afterward we sat on the couch to watch some DVR'd programming on the ole tube.
Riley was running a muck, causing the ever so slightest amount of trouble. She was climbing on the couch and messing around when I decided to tickle her tummy a little bit.
Now, this next part is 100% true, you can ask Krista.

As I was tickling her, totally unsolicited Riley pulled off a near perfect armbar. Typically we don't like to see the feet crossed because that makes the knees go apart, more space = not a tight arm bar. But Riley, almost instinctively pinched her knees together. That's genetics folks, not training.

Daddy was proud indeed!

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