Sunday, April 10, 2011

What a week!

McKenna was out for Spring Break, since the WY break is different than the TN break she had to spend all her time with her dad. An opportunity any 12 y/o would die for. Or maybe that's die from?

Since the weather was good most of the week there was much playing outside.

Krista found a HUGE web in one of our trees, all kinds of cacoons in there.

The girls did their hair. Here's Riley rockin a pony tail that lasted about 13 seconds.

McKenna's braid!

We did some flower planting....

And some strawberries in a pot!

And an herb garden for the momma chef.

Krista likes this one so much she has commissioned me to make some more planter boxes around the deck.

A big highlight of the week was the Zoo. Riley loved taking in the flamingo's in this pic.

Here the girls are in the petting zoo, Riley walked right up on this goat not realizing it was there.

Hanging out watching the biggest porcupine you've ever seen.

We had the stroller just in case but Riley's shoes were made for walking.

Crouching Riley Hidden McKenna

Daddy! Wait up.

Tigers! We walked up to the tiger, Riley looked in and said "roooaaaar"

Her favorite may have been the Zebras.

Or the Meerkats.

And here's one last pic of McKenna. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Boy McKenna sure loves those Zip-Lines!!!