Friday, February 26, 2010

Riley loves the daily double and final jeopardy!

Krista and I watch Jeopardy pretty much every night. We watch it enough that Riley is now getting into it. No matter what she is doing she will acknowledge all the daily doubles and final jeopardy nightly. You'll notice the head snap when the song starts, a slow build up to some rocking and leg stomping, then the famous Babus Wiggle midway through the final jeopardy theme song, that is her go to move. On the daily double the head snap isn't as pominant du to camera placement, but we did catch the clapping for the contestants.

Daily Double

I'll take the babus wiggle for $400 Alex.


Tuesday, February 23, 2010

busy week

I think Riley has almost officially recovered from her first virus. She was home for a few days. I'll spare you the gross details :) She went back to daycare today and has moved up to the toddler room. Riley has learned some new tricks in the last month. One of her favorite activities is to climb. She climbs the stairs, the chairs, the couch, her toys ... just about anything.

Riley is also starting to stack her blocks.

Usually once she stacks a few, she claps. We still need to work on the stacking other things on top of the blocks.

And Riley has started reading her books to herself. She likes her two books she got from Gramms for Christmas.