Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Ho Ho Ho...Meeeeerrrrry Christmas

It has been a good morning in the Dojo, we have a sniffly babus but other than that it is smooooth sailing.

1st thing you should know about the dojo is do not, under any circumstances, mess with Raimo's toys.

YouTube Video

Krista got a ton of lotion and a pasta maker this year.

We're playing one of Riley's new games, sequence for kids. This is the face of someone who has just "bumped" their momma's chip!

Jason received a bunch of Duck schwag!

Gnome! Socks!

There was lots of present opening...

YouTube Video

Hope everyone has a Merry Christmas!

YouTube Video

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Sunday, December 23, 2012


Riley said she colored this picture for Gramms, Gramps, Mimi, and Papa.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Christmas tree!!

We are finally ready for Christmas. We decorated the tree today. Riley was a big help, as you can see from the bottom of the tree.

Also put up Grandma Betty's stockings. Love these :)

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Riley's Grams and Gramps bought a Birthday / Christmas / Valentines Day / every event from now until your 10 present. Then, the work began. Not so bad, took about 16 hours I guess, over 2 weekends.

Here are two 'hamming it up' shots of Riley on the slide.

The swing area, as you can see I do still have some work to do on the wood chips, probably 1 more load next weekend.

Live action shot of the slide.....

Here's the full tour.

YouTube Video

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Location: The new playset