Sunday, March 27, 2011

Sunday afternoon

Well, first of all, Happy Halloween from the Dojo! We are enjoying a quiet afternoon of basketball (at least the Brackemyre side of the family is). Riley is still calling it "football," but we are working on it.
The weather has gotten colder, so we are staying inside.
This is probably Riley's favorite shirt. If she's given a choice, she usually picks it out. It is size 18 months, so it's a little short. Riley doesn't seem to mind.
Today for lunch, we had pizza, as you can see by Riley's face and shirt. We thought we'd get a picture before we cleaned her up.
We should have pictures of both girls next week. McKenna arrives in 6 days!!!!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

1st Day of Spring

Although, it does seem like spring has been around a couple weeks here in Nashville. We've been working in the yard, trying to enjoy this nice weather while we have it. Should reach 79 today!!!!

Riley does try to help a little, but mostly her attention is drawn to throwing rocks, chasing the puppies and playing in the dirt. Yesterday we picked her up some sidewalk chalk, I think she's hooked.

Every day when we get home all we here is "outside" "outside" "outside". She likes to go out on the deck or out in the front.

We also picked up some solar lights for the walkway. :)

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Spring is here!

Spring has arrived at the Dojo. Jason has already started his outside projects. Riley, of course, is always a big help, and likes to be outside with her daddy. She monitored the rocks and made sure none got outside the perimeter.

Here's the finished product. Later, we (Jason) will add some flowers.

Riley keeps talking more and more. She has also started to sing by herself, and has even made up a song or two. She is counting to ten as well, but either leaves out or stops at four. She must not like that number. Here is her performance from this morning. (if you have a very keen ear you may pick up a little of the abc's.

Last, but not least, McKenna will be here for Spring Break in a couple weeks, and we CANNOT wait! It always feels so great to have both girls at home. I think it might blow Riley's mind. She's so obsessed with McKenna and her pictures, she may not be able to handle the real thing :)

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Another Curtis Dojo Story

There are many times when people ask "why haven't you updated the blog?" The answer is simple, the dojo is fueled by comments of how cute the babus is. So if you want more stories you'd better become more active with the comments. Riley is very particular about what we post, when and also why we post.

Let's start with a little Valentine's day. I asked Krista if she wanted to go out for dinner but it being on a Monday this year it's just easier to cook in. I tried out a new recipe and nailed it. Bacon and panko encrusted tilapia, sweet potato mash, it was delicious. Krista said she liked it but she could do without the bacon. What? No bacon? pffft!

Of course Krista also received some flowers and plenty of candy for the occasion.

Riley looooooves the puppies! She cannot get enough. Raimo has started going to bed at about 5:30pm just to stay out of her way.

With the weather changing Riley comes home every day and wants to go outside. She loves to chase the puppies around the yard. This pic took forever to take, getting a dog and a child to sit still for a couple seconds in the same place at the same time is a minor miracle.

Here's the neighbors dog in our yard. This is the same neighbor who came over in the summertime to threaten me. I don't think that went as well as he'd planned in his head. :)
Anyways, these neighbors have complained about our dogs when we are one of only 2 family's who have the invisible fence. I took pics of their dogs coming in our yard over time and went down to have a little chat with him. They had a fence finally installed about a week ago.