Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Riley's first art work

Since Riley has moved up to a toddler room at daycare, she gets to do more stuff. She gets to play outside sometimes and this Thursday, her daycare is having an Easter egg hunt. On or around St. Patrick's Day, Riley got to paint. Here is her first work of art!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

who wants to take a bath???

Riley loves to take a bath, but sometimes is a little slow to get there ...

Eventually we did in fact make it up the stairs and into a nice warm bath.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Playing outside with the puppies

Riley loves her puppies. She's learning all kinds of new tricks that I'm sure grandma's, grandpa's and aunt's/uncles etc etc. would enjoy. Here are a few vids taken outside today while the weather was nice!

Here are some nice and some not so nice hugs.

new jacket

Hey Gramms - thanks for the jacket!!!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

helping with the laundry

I have been helping my mommy with the laundry. I can open the door for her!

I help move the clothes from the washer to the dryer, and pull the clothes out of the dryer to fold.

Sometimes I can't reach everything, and have to stretch.

... but sometimes it's just fun to play.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

rocking chair

My big sister McKenna has a rocking chair. I'm using it while she's not here. She's too big for it anyway ;) It's just about my size. My mommy and daddy keep telling me to sit down, but I think it's really funny to stand up ... especially when they keep telling me not to.

My mommy and daddy also keep telling me I have to brush my teeth (nag, nag, all the time).

Monday, March 1, 2010

Puppies can be very useful!

I am very glad my mommy and daddy got me these cool puppies, they are very usefull!

1st off, Riku guards my toys, he makes sure no one comes near them but me. When he's asleep I just place the ones I want him to guard around him. Back off my stash people!

2nd use for the puppies is a lounge chair!

Ahhhhh, just relaxing on my puppy. Uh, can somebody pass me the milk please? Can a lady get an animal cracker up in this joint?

They are also good for my ground game, my daddy says my brajillion-du-bitsu needs to stay tight.

Here I'm trying to take Mikka's back so I can work a rear naked choke.

Daddy!!! I'm telling you, the eye gouge was accidental, it was accidental.

Are you kidding me? Time out chair for an accidental eye gouge?

I guess he wasn't kidding me, at least I got my ball.