Saturday, March 19, 2011

Spring is here!

Spring has arrived at the Dojo. Jason has already started his outside projects. Riley, of course, is always a big help, and likes to be outside with her daddy. She monitored the rocks and made sure none got outside the perimeter.

Here's the finished product. Later, we (Jason) will add some flowers.

Riley keeps talking more and more. She has also started to sing by herself, and has even made up a song or two. She is counting to ten as well, but either leaves out or stops at four. She must not like that number. Here is her performance from this morning. (if you have a very keen ear you may pick up a little of the abc's.

Last, but not least, McKenna will be here for Spring Break in a couple weeks, and we CANNOT wait! It always feels so great to have both girls at home. I think it might blow Riley's mind. She's so obsessed with McKenna and her pictures, she may not be able to handle the real thing :)

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