Saturday, March 24, 2012

The Garden Project

Last year we did a small 4x8 raised garden. Couple tomatoes, cucumber, peppers all made it. Squash, cantaloupe and watermelon not so much. This year we are going bigger with more stuff. So lets see how it goes.

This year the raised garden is 6 x 24. It's about 1/4 way filled so far. To it's left there is about a 10x24 space for the rest of the garden. We may end up building a greenhouse over this if all goes well and we don't argue to much about who has to work out there. (Early odds out of Vegas are 500-1 against Jason winning any arguments concerning outdoor chores) We already started the tomatoes, broccoli and peppers inside the hours. We have 15 tomatoes, 10 broccoli's and 8 peppers, hopefully they will make it through the transplant process and I wont kill them all. We also have a ton of basil, oregano and cilantro going.

Soon we will be planting peas, green beans, squash, cucumbers, corn, watermelon, carrots, raddish, lettuce, fenugreek and dill.

In the fall I build a little raised bed around one of the trees in the front and planted some flowers to try and add color in the yard for Krista. It worked!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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