Monday, March 23, 2009

never a dull moment

Well, March has been an eventful month in the Curtis Dojo. To start out, one of us has been sick for what seems now like FOREVER!! Currently, Riley is sick with what Jason and I have recently had. She's been a trouper and seems to be feeling a little better.

For St. Patrick's Day, the two huskies decided to run away. They were gone for two whole days before someone called us to say they had them. That's the longest they've ever been away, and we thought they were gone for sure. Raimo, the lab, was ecstatic when they returned. Riku and Raimo bonded soon after, although, they have been back to their battle for male domination ever since.

While the puppies were gone, Jason kept himself occupied by doing some work around the house. He put together Riley's high chair. She's sitting up with support, so we put her in there. She seems to like it for a little while.

Jason also decided to try giving Riley some rice cereal. To her defence, she wasn't feeling that great, so we'll try again later. But for now, here is Riley first official bite of food.


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