Thursday, December 25, 2008

Riley's 1st Christmas morning

Christmas Eve was fun. My daddy stayed up very late with me because I had a Great Antcipation for Santa. We'll say GAS for short. We were up until the weeee hours of the morning. 'Santa' ate almost all the cookies by morning. I love it when my daddy and me stay up until 3 or 4 in the morning. Good quality time with my pops. Grams was also having trouble sleeping so she was up part of the night with us. Apparantly there was a lot of noise in her room as well as my room?

Christmas morning got off to a slow start. Grams tortured us by sleeping in. Daddy gave McKenna the green light to get her rear in gear at 9am. Sheeeeesh Grams, we gotz prezents to open!

My big sister took a couple pictures of the tree before we got started. In this picture you can kind of see in the middle of the tree the IPOD that Santa brought for McKenna. The force is not strong with my sister as she did not see that all morning.

Here are some of the presents I got. My grams and gramps are big time river rafters so they wanted me to have a piece of that action. I got lots of toys from my grams, gramps, grandma and grandpa. Heck, McKenna even got me something. I also got a couple of cute baby outfits. I'll try and get some shots of those later.

My big sister is so great, she helped me open my presents. She's so selfless.

Here is a shot of me, I was so excited to be getting all of those presents. I needed a diaper change.

I also spent some quality time with my Gramps on Christmas morning.

Santa didn't eat all of the cookies so Grams and McKenna dug into them. Gramps caught them in the act.

I love my Grams and Gramps. Gramps because he's so cool and Grams cuz she's so goofy.

Here's my Grams playing with me, I think she's having more fun than I am.

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